Wednesday, April 11, 2007

An apology

Shalom y'all,
First of all, my apologies for such a lengthy time between posts. I have been 'in prison', that is, a spiritual prison, for a little while, and now I'm about to be given my freedom, a joyous freedom in that I may serve Abba and Yahshua instead of the mammon. It's a personal thing. :-)
Abba has shown me some amazing things in the past few weeks, which I will share on this blog.
One is a confirmation on the 'fervent heat', as spoken about by Peter, given by Isaiah.
The other concerns some powerful information concerning a CHANGE in the PASSOVER, which all true Torah-believing Yahshua-minded believers must consider. This is not something that is being taught even in Messianic synogogues that I know of, let alone in the 'church'. The spirit of Yah and Yahshua is with those who have been 'cast out' of those spiritless places, in that the harvest is happening NOW!
May you be blessed by HIS WORD in these posts, and may we all sit at His table in the coming Kingdom IN ISRAEL soon!

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